SHORTS, • 10/8/24 Dr. Keanu Sai talks about next steps following 131 years of illegal occupation in Hawai'i Previous Dr. Keanu Sai tells us why Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea (Sovereignty Restoration Day) is significant in Hawai'i Next Dr. Keanu Sai talks about growing up in Kuli'ou'ou and meeting his cousin Keanu Reeves You Might Also Like Team Keep it Aloha plays Moke Gabs with Sam Potter and Nainoa Langer Hawaiiverse Spotlight: Pilates O Ka Lā Star Dahl-Thurston tells her story of how she won Miss Hawai'i 2023 #71 | Ed Sugimoto: The upside down ALOHA, breaking Guinness World Records, and Asian culture. #76 | Kelly Boy Delima | Legendary band Kapena, being "The Redhead Haole", and family
SHORTS, • 10/8/24 Dr. Keanu Sai talks about next steps following 131 years of illegal occupation in Hawai'i Previous Dr. Keanu Sai tells us why Lā Hoʻihoʻi Ea (Sovereignty Restoration Day) is significant in Hawai'i Next Dr. Keanu Sai talks about growing up in Kuli'ou'ou and meeting his cousin Keanu Reeves You Might Also Like Team Keep it Aloha plays Moke Gabs with Sam Potter and Nainoa Langer Hawaiiverse Spotlight: Pilates O Ka Lā Star Dahl-Thurston tells her story of how she won Miss Hawai'i 2023 #71 | Ed Sugimoto: The upside down ALOHA, breaking Guinness World Records, and Asian culture. #76 | Kelly Boy Delima | Legendary band Kapena, being "The Redhead Haole", and family